Friday, November 25, 2011

Fruitful relationship

Relationship is a skill, that need understanding & skill.Add Image

The words are easy to read but not so in practice.

Understanding means the wide and depth perception of human being. It should be free from biased attitude, purely on scientific based. Most of the problem arise due to the faulty perception.

What is a human being?

The defenition is based on our view on man kind.

Some people think that there are good people and bad people, it is wrong , man by birth is not good or bad, he can be bad or good according to his background/ training/ philosophy/ modelling etc. Whatever be his position or designation or family background see him / her as a being with all possibility of wright and wrong. Not be upset by his good deeds and bad deeds.

Because he is human being.The difference between two beings is only on its grading on the good and bad scale.

Mostly we give unnecessary emphasis to his / her condition , and we get upset when he/ she is not in the expected way, here the mistake is our view, not the individual. Never think that he is the preist or the president or the son or daughter of so and so....never....think he/she is a human being with all defects and merits. We can encourage his merits and have a good relation, but be very careful of his/her defects that may come play at any time or at any place. If we are careful and vigilant his/ her defects never affact us, so we would be in the real relationship with him/her.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

sexual counseling

Sex is devine , it is the bless of god to man kind. The sex life is different in human being compared to animals. Animals sex is purely instict based and no need any kind of learning. Its aim is the coontinuation on earth. But human being adds color , romance, imagination to sex on the basis of his learning. However the lack of real learning about sex makes him thnik in a wrong way, that results in unhappiness, depression and some times anger . The scientific knowlege on sex is a must for humanbeing to perform in a perfect way.
What do mean by sex actually?
Sex is a filling gap between male & female with love. Male part or female part is not selfsufficient in itself. They need each other, hence the biological instict make them to come toghter to do the nature's duty ina beutiful way better than any animal in the world.
How do we can make the aethetic work of sex excellent. What are the ingredients? what are the precautions? What are skills needed. How do avoid failures in relationships.
wait to read further.....